It is that time of year where stress runs high.  The purpose of the holiday season may vary for most people.   I know for my family the purpose is really to honor, celebrate and worship the birth of Jesus Christ.  Traditions are important and meaningful for us.  The act of giving to those in need is one of our most fundamental values.  Every year, my family and I give to those in need in order to put a smile on the face of an otherwise saddened face.  Doing this is also something that pulls us closer as a family.  Together we decide where we will be donating.  We read about our family/child and make a shopping list based on their needs and wishes.  My son always throws in his own ideas too.  We shop together and joyfully choose just the right toys, clothes, boots, mittens, coats, etc.  Then we wrap the gifts we purchased together while listening to Christmas music and sipping on warm apple cider.  This act of kindness brings us together and creates warm memories that last forever.  This is truly our favorite time of year.

This year, Molly and Me Counseling and Training Center will be sponsoring a family during the most stressful time of the year, upholding the values that that are so important to my family.  These are also the fundamental values that first created Molly and Me.  If you are in need, please call the office at 208-576-6464, or stop by the office, to request an application.  Applications will be collected until Thanksgiving Day.  The chosen family will be notified on the Friday following Thanksgiving.  Thank you for participating in the first annual Holiday Giving Program.

On a side note, we are in the midst of a contest to give the best name to our Holiday Giving Program.  Be watching for more information on Facebook about the contest that will be posted soon!!!

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