Separation anxiety: normal or not??

In early childhood, crying, tantrums, or clinginess are typical, expected and even healthy reactions to separation. Separation anxiety can begin before a child’s first birthday, and may resurface again at a later date or last until a child is four years old.  Keep in...

Handeling Childhood Fears

Children’s fears can seem puzzling to adults at times. I know a child who was afraid of Santa Claus. Scared to death he was going to see Santa Claus and this made it very difficult for him, and his family, around the holiday season. Some more common childhood...

Raising Self Esteem through Praise

Many parents struggle to help their child grow in self esteem and confidence. Taking pride in our own accomplishments or those of our children is a wonderful and healthy thing. Expecting ourselves or our children to continually accomplish things is not healthy. As...

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