molly and me
counseling and training centerCertified AutPlay® Therapy
AutPlay® Therapy
AutPlay® Therapy was created by Dr. Robert Jason Grant and is a play and behavioral therapy approach to working with children and families affected by autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dysregulation issues, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. It integrates therapeutic models of play therapy and behavioral therapy along with relationship development approaches together in a collaborative model to assist children and adolescents in gaining needed skills and abilities. AutPlay Therapy is a combination of behavioral and developmental methodology that is both therapist-led and parent-led.
- AutPlay Therapy has Shown Effective Treatment Outcomes for the Following Areas:
- Increasing Emotional Regulation Ability
- Improving Social Skills and Functioning
- Improving Relationship Development and Connection
- Reducing Anxiety Levels
- Improving Sensory Processing Challenges
- Increasing Concentration, Focus, and Attention
- Reducing Unwanted Behaviors
- Improving the Parent/Child Relationship
AutPlay Therapy provides a screening and assessment process to evaluate where a child’s level is at in terms of basic functioning and skill development in emotional regulation, social functioning and relationship development. This procedure allows the therapist to direct specific play therapy interventions to address each individual child’s skill deficits. AutPlay Therapy is appropriate for children and adolescents with an autism disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dysregulation issues, neurodevelopmental disorders, and developmental disabilities from severe to mild impairment. AutPlay is appropriate for children ages 3-18.
There are many nervous system, sensory, dysregulation, and metabolic neurodevelopmental disorders that exist. Many neurodevelopmental disorders have no cure, but there are ways to treat the symptoms that present with neurodevelopmental disorders. AutPlay Therapy has been successful in improving AutPlay target areas in children and adolescents with many neurodevelopmental and dysregulation issues including:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Fragile X Syndrome
- Sensory Processing Challenges
- Intellectual Developmental Disorder
- Cerebral Palsy
- Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder
- Tourette Syndrome
- Learning Disorders
- Social Disorders
- impulsive Disorders
AutPlay Therapy is an adaptable and compatible treatment approach for autism, dysregulation disorders, and other neurodevelopmental disorders. AutPlay Therapy can be implemented in conjunction with other treatments and often is a part of a collaborative approach to helping children and adolescents advance in skill development.
Evidence Based Practices in AutPlay Therapy
The National Professional Development Center (NPDC) on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the National Standards Project (NSP) reviewed literature to establish evidence-based practices for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder between the ages of birth and 22 years. Both reviews included literature up to and including 2007, and both applied rigorous criteria when determining which studies would be included as evidence of efficacy for a given practice. In 2014, the NPDC conducted an expanded and updated review, which yielded a total of 27 evidence based practices.
The full results and criteria used by the National Professional Development Center (NPDC) can be found on their website NPDC – Autism Spectrum Disorder. The full results and criteria used by the National Standards Project can be found on their website National Autism Center.
AutPlay Therapy incorporates several of the approaches identified as evidence based practices for treating children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Practices incorporated into AutPlay Therapy procedures include: Cognitive Behavioral Intervention, Modeling, Naturalistic Intervention, Parent-Implemented Intervention, Reinforcement, Scripting, Self Management, Social Narratives, Social Skills Training, and Visual Supports.
Certified AutPlay® Therapy providers have demonstrated a thorough knowledge in the AutPlay Therapy treatment approach and have completed all required elements to reach certification status. At Molly and Me, we have three certified AutPlay Therapists and train other therapists in the model.