Preparing your child for new baby

Preparing your child for new baby

I have been motivated to write this blog because of the many new babies joining the families with whom I work. I often receive questions about this very topic. It is an important one to visit. Not only is bringing a new baby into the family a joyful and fun time, but...

Explosive KIDS with Real Anger

When a child—even a small child—melts down and becomes aggressive, he can pose a serious risk to himself and others, including parents and siblings. It is not uncommon for children who struggle with managing their emotions to lose control and direct their anger at a...
Holiday Giving Program

Holiday Giving Program

It is that time of year where stress runs high.  The purpose of the holiday season may vary for most people.   I know for my family the purpose is really to honor, celebrate and worship the birth of Jesus Christ.  Traditions are important and meaningful for us.  The...

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